Kids at Weddings: Creative Ideas for Involving the Little Ones
Kids play an important role in our lives, and so do kids at weddings.
These cute and adorable tiny beings bring a spark to our lives and are one of the reasons why we all struggle so hard to make this world a better place for them. If you and your partner have a wedding lined up, then you both probably want kids to be part of this memorable day. Incorporating kids at your wedding can make the event lively, adorable, and fun.
But since kids are unpredictable, it can be a bit hard for you to know which role they should be allocated to, at a wedding. To help you make an informed decision, below is a guide on how to make kids feel like they are part of a special occasion.
Even before the wedding day, you can still make kids part of the ceremony by bringing them to cake tastings. If they are girls, you can ask them to help you choose a dress and vice versa for the boys. When making wedding plans, ask them for ideas and assistance.
1. Kids at Weddings: Ring Bearer or Flower Girl
This is probably the first idea that comes to mind when people think of including kids at weddings. It’s an excellent idea. Having a kid as the ring bearer or flower girl is a great way to capture the entire family in wedding photography. Not to mention, it helps improve the bond that you share as a family or a group of friends. But when allocating these duties to kids, be mindful of their comfort. Not all kids enjoy walking in front of a multitude of people staring at him/her. Discuss with the kid and confirm if they are comfortable with being a flower girl or ring bearer.
2. Have Kids Perform at The Wedding
If the kids are gifted or passionate about singing or reciting poetry, why not allow them to perform during the wedding? This will make the wedding a very special affair for them, and it’s something that you and your partner will never forget. Nothing speaks of concern and care other than giving children a moment in the spotlight. And don’t limit them to making something special just for the wedding. Kids will always be free-spirited, and it’s why you should let them perform whatever makes them happy.
3. Kids at Weddings: Walk You Down the Aisle
Not that the days of having your parents walk you down the aisle are long gone, but you can switch things up and have kids take that role instead. This is an excellent idea if you are looking for ways to incorporate older kids into your wedding. You can have the younger kids walk in first and be accompanied by the older ones later on. This is to ensure that all kids attending your wedding don’t feel left out.
4. Get Kids to Help with Wedding Decorations
As you are probably aware, weddings can entail too much work. And, if you have a group of kids around, you can ask them to help with decorations. Having a set of handmade kid decorations at your wedding venue can make it charming and unique. You can ask them to help spread flowers at the venue or draw pictures of you and your spouse so that you can hang them up at entry points. You will be surprised at how crafty kids can get when decorating.
5. Kids at Weddings: Make them Part of The Wedding Ceremony
For those who are planning destination weddings, there are several ways you can make them part of the ceremony. For instance, if it is a beach wedding, they too can wear special attire that matches the theme of the wedding. Additionally, during the occasion, kids should also have a special seating arrangement. Making them part of the ceremony goes a long way in reaffirming that you are one big family, and the celebration isn’t only for you and your partner but also for them.
We all dream of having a memorable wedding, with kids by your side, you can turn it into the perfect wedding. If you are looking for ways to incorporate all the adorable offspring of your friends and family into your wedding, you can try out one, two, or all of the above tips.
Being a wedding photographer and a mother of three kids, there is nothing that I love more than capturing kids in wedding photography. Kids, thanks to their innocence and gorgeous smiles, are the magic ingredient for photojournalism.